The mentor (Dr Khanuja) brings in a rare blend of conventional and modern biology with him through his core expertise in agriculture, plant genetics, molecular biology and biotechnology. With CSIR (CIMAP, Lucknow) and ICAR (IARI, New Delhi) experience of more than three decades as researcher, teacher and technologist. He has translated his work of R&D into more than 50 international technology and product patents (for organisations) and above 175 peer reviewed research publications to his credit (Publications on web). During the current decade he has intensively mentored and guided the industry, entrepreneurs, students, scholars and instituitions in agribiotech, natural products and nutraceuticals sectors (See Founder's Profile). Right since its foundation as SKiES India by the mentor in August 2011, a unique entrepreneurial strategy is being built up on the ABC (Agriculture-Biosciences-Chemistry) integration mode under his mentorship to convert gaps in agri-bio-food-health-products enterprise domain into new opportunities of entrepreneurship through innovation inclusion.